Experiments with ruby-processing (processing-2.2.1) and JRubyArt for processing-3.0

Monday 25 January 2010

Fern Fractal Using LSystems (includes a subtle color change)

Here is another LSystem example using the control panel to set the number of 'generations' of the fractal. This sketch requires my grammar library see the Cesàro fractal.

# fern_test.rb inspired by processing fern by Gareth Spor
require 'fern'

class FernTest < Processing::App
  load_libraries :control_panel, :grammar

  attr_accessor :init_color, :fern, :repeat

  def setup()
    size(800, 800)
    @init_color = color(0, 240, 0)

  def draw()
    fern.render(250.0, 650.0, 0.0, 100.0, init_color)

  def setup_panel
    control_panel do |c|
      c.title = "Control:"
      c.menu(:repeat, ['10', '12', '16', '20'], '12') {|m| load_menu_item(m) }

  def redraw
    @fern = Fern.new()
    @production = fern.create_grammar(repeat.to_i)

  def load_menu_item(item)
    repeat = item


# fern.rb
class Fern
  include Processing::Proxy

  XPOS = 0   # place holders for pen array
  YPOS = 1
  THETA = 2
  LENGTH = 3
  HUE = 4
  DELTA = Math::PI/180 * 35.2 # NB: 36 is boring

  attr_accessor :pen, :production, :grammar, :axiom

  def initialize
    @axiom = "FD"
    @grammar = Grammar.new(axiom)
    grammar.add_rule("D", "C+@FD")
    grammar.add_rule("C", "B")
    grammar.add_rule("B", "[7+#FD][7-#FD]") # abbreviated lsystem grammar
    @production = axiom
    @pen = Array.new(5) # use a simple array for pen (for efficiency)

  def render(x, y, theta, len, col)
    pen[XPOS] = x
    pen[YPOS] = y
    pen[THETA] = -Math::PI/2
    pen[LENGTH] = len
    pen[HUE] = col
    repeats = 1
    stack = Array.new  # use a locally defined array as the pen stack
    @production.each_char do |element|
      when "F"  # move forward
        @pen = draw_line(pen)      
      when "+"  #turn right
        pen[THETA] += (2 * Math::PI) % (repeats * DELTA)
        repeats = 1    
      when '-'  #turn left
        pen[THETA] -= (2 * Math::PI) % (repeats * DELTA)
        repeats = 1    
      when "#"  #resize line length & darken color
        pen[LENGTH] *= 0.33
        pen[HUE] = decrement_color(20)    
      when "@"  #resize line length & darken color
        pen[LENGTH] *= 0.9
        pen[HUE] = decrement_color(10)
      when "["  #push state
      when "]"  #pop state
        @pen = stack.pop()    
      when "7"
        repeats = Integer(element)    
      when "B" # do nothing except confirm character in grammar        
      when "C" # do nothing except confirm character in grammar        
      when "D" # do nothing except confirm character in grammar        
        puts("character '#{element}' not in grammar")    

  def draw_line(pen)
    temp = pen.clone
    temp[XPOS] += temp[LENGTH] * Math.cos(temp[THETA])
    temp[YPOS] += temp[LENGTH] * Math.sin(temp[THETA])
    line(pen[XPOS], pen[YPOS], temp[XPOS], temp[YPOS])
    return temp

  def decrement_color(hue_step)
    gree = green(pen[HUE]) - hue_step
    color(0, gree, 0)

  def create_grammar(gen)
    @production = grammar.generate(gen)


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I have developed JRubyArt and propane new versions of ruby-processing for JRuby- and processing-3.2.2